During the first year of life, babies undergo an incredible transformation. They grow and change at an amazing pace, and every month brings new, exciting milestones.

Our infant program is individualized to meet the needs of each child. Our warm, nurturing, and affectionate environment helps to establish each child’s sense of security and promote healthy growth. We foster the early development of the baby’s senses through child-friendly services and activities.

Our infant classroom has age-appropriate sensory materials that teachers use to help your little ones explore the world around them. Toys of various colors, textures, and sounds stimulate your baby as they make critical early mind-body connections.

Experienced caring teachers sing songs, speak to, and read to your baby to jumpstart their language and communication skills. Baby signing gives little ones an additional way to express themselves, even before they start using verbal communication.

Your baby’s well-appointed classroom and assigned outdoor playground space give them room to explore their environment and practice crucial motor skills safely. From tummy time through crawling, scooting, and beginning to toddle, your little one masters movement in spacious safety.